As seen, our institute has a wide offer of technical and vocational courses, there are motivated teachers, who try to give their best using new methodologies and facing the problems of a changing disadvantaged multicultural society. Our new challenge is to open our doors to Europe. Even if it might sound odd, the school has not taken part to European projects for about ten years, consequently the benefits of those experiences have already vanished because none of our students has experienced them. Therefore we are highly motivated to get a grant and start working with our European partners on our project.

The project of opening the school doors to Europe is very complex and global and it can be seen as a whole-school approach. A cross-sectoral approach and strong cooperation with a wide range of partners and the community at large is necessary to deal with issues which schools do not (and cannot) have the relevant expertise for. The whole-school approach is beneficial to all learners, not only to those at risk of underachievement or dropout. It can improve the motivation, engagement and social inclusion of all learners.

We have already activated the following actions:

  • The internationalization is a strategic priority for our school (key area 18 in our school development planning)
  • We have formed an Erasmus team
  • We have started working on etwinning projects and fostered the teachers registration on the etwinning platform.
  • We have taken contacts with the local eurodesk point in order to explain our students which real possibilities of building and work Europe offers them.
  • We have applied for three KA229 projects for school years 2019/21
  • We have got a grant for two KA1 projects and our students are spending three months abroad next summer for a vocational training.

We are confident that such a project will interest, motivate and stimulate our students, and improve their learning experience in a wide range of subjects












I.I.S. "Sandro Pertini"

Via Madonna Della Sanita' - 03011 Alatri (FR)

Tel: 0775 443005

Fax: 0775434709


Cod. Mecc. fris00300r
Cod. Fisc. 92027600607
Fatt. Elett. UF42T4
