Students are our most important focus, we want to build them during the school years and guide them to face the challenging world after school. Moreover we want to make them aware of their possibilities, foster their potentials and enhance their abilities.

The school offers different services to our students, in particular we offer training possibilities during the last three years of school and support our students for a real work placement after they finish school. We have a work placement agency active in the institute since 2014.

We constantly look for new methodologies to teach our students the key competences they will need when approaching the world of work. Besides, we also look forward a cultural and social growth of our students which we want to become active European citizens.












I.I.S. "Sandro Pertini"

Via Madonna Della Sanita' - 03011 Alatri (FR)

Tel: 0775 443005

Fax: 0775434709


Cod. Mecc. fris00300r
Cod. Fisc. 92027600607
Fatt. Elett. UF42T4
